i miss the rains down in Africa...

I spent 3 weeks in Africa at the beggining of this past summer, and it was absolutely incredible!!! Going to Africa ...was not like a retreat, or a conference, or a camp, It was real. Not to say that those things aren’t real, just a different kind of real. I witnessed real pain, real suffering, real poverty, and real people who desperately love the Lord because he is literally all they have. I returned from Kenya with an authentic desperation for God in my life, I came back with a real desire and a real need for him. It was like he whispered a secret in my ear, and now that I know, I would be cheating myself to live any other way. I am learning that living a life apart from God, isn’t really living at all. There is no point, no purpose in a life not lived for the glory of Christ. Those were things that I had heard but not really grasped until I went to Kenya. Jesus died so that I might live. I want to live the life God gave me, the life he died for, to the full. I don’t want to waste time doing anything else. God is also teaching me that I am human, that I am going to make mistakes. But he is telling me that when I do, he will be there to wrap me up in his extravagant love, mercy, and grace, and he will carry me through the valley. This has been an incredible summer, I am so excited about life. I can’t wait to see the plan God has for me unfold.
So good to see you on here. Well said, You make me proud! you left some papers at my house and some kinda funky green chapstick, call me ...I want to talk more with you about the school thingy.
oh..amber tomorrow is "two things tuesday" if you haven't picked up on that by reading our blogs. You can go back and find out what it is about on my blog the post that is titled "Oade to tielhet and blog meeting".
I know what one of those can be :) bling! bling!
Hey AmberShea,
I'm glad to see you on here today.
Maybe tomorrow you can post,
2 things Tuesday (2 things at most).
I look forward to reading more of your posts,
and btw, any pancake lisa makes, I like the most.
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