Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I <3 DRG!!!!

So i heard that my blog was dying .... so i'm going to revive it!!

I am having a BLAST! I was SWAT trained this past week and it was incredible! I was worried that i wouldn't be good at all that stuff but surpirsingly I'm not bad. It is so much fun to be up in the challenge course "hanging" around! My favorite thing is to set up the rappell and rockclimb, the view is incredible! basically i am in love with this place and i don't ever want to leave!

NE WAYS... to catch up ....the week before i came to DRG i went to Dallas, here are some pics from the trip!

Kristen and I had a blast in Ft. Worth...

The Pruitts minus Wendy... she was getting her hair did. Thanks for putting me up! i had a lot of fun with you all!

We played a game of Cowboys & Mexicans in the General Store in the Stockyards of Ft. Worth

We were fighting, but then we made up....

WE made a friend... his name is Tough Tom .


We decided it would be a good idea to have an armadillo as a house pet... is that okay?

Talk to you all soon!

Monday, May 08, 2006


I don't think that i have many but this could be one....
i just wrote a three page response to a blog i saw, it was one of the most insane things i have ever seen. (and by insane i mean that it was sheer stupidity that inspired this blog) instead of posting the comment i closed it out and took three deep breaths. As my face slowly turned from red back to its original color i asked my self this...why should i respond to ignorance? If i respond it will only feed the fire and encourage this nut to keep writing the crap that they do. Hopefully if they are ignored they will stop writing all together... until then i hope and pray that non-believers will not stumble across this blog or they will surely think all Christians are as brain-washed, legalistic, and tactless as this person. I apologize but I AM FRUSTRATED.... how will anyone ever understand the grace and mercy of Christ if they don't see it in his followers? I know that God can use anyone and anything to bring people to himself, so i pray that he does in this situation. Why is it often times harder to love believers than it is to love believers? okay i am done.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Ode to BMAC......I HAD TO SHARE THIS!!!!!! (pruitt gave it to me)

ahhh... BMAC...
I would just like to take time to reflect on my friend Brian McCormack.
What makes Brian such a great guy?
...I am glad you asked.
He is smart, funny, and loves the Lord. YOu always find yourself in great conversations with him. He has a great sense of humor and he will not be mad that I posted this picture of him at all.... I hope.
Brian if you see this.... I love you friend!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

times they are a changin....

I just spent my very last night here in my Luntsford dorm room. Waking up for the last time in this room allowed me to reflect on this year. I have been crying all morning.

I just said bye to my roommate, my best friend, as she was leaving the room for the last time. I know that I will never have the chance to live with her again and it breaks my heart. I know we are both moving on, her to marriage, but it is so hard to let go of this time. I feel incredible anxiety and fear for what is to come. I am about to live out at Doe River Gorge, and though I am excited I can't help the fear that has taken hold of me. Then after Doe River I get to come back and live with 7 amazing, godly women and return to work at the Firehouse, the best job I have ever had. So what is there to fear....
I fear growing up. I am almost 19 years old and time seems to be rushing by so quickly, that is so scary, i don't want to grow up.
I fear moving on. My freshman year of college has been amazing; it has been the best year of my life. It has definitely changed me and shaped me. I believe that I have grown spiritually and my views and beliefs have been molded to where they really reflect me and I have very much made my faith my own, more than ever before. I have searched myself and established what I believe not what anyone else has told me to believe. I have broken out of bondage that I have been trapped in for most of my life. This year has incredibly impacted my life and it is so hard to leave it behind.
I fear the new and unknown... I have decided that I do not like change; even when the change is good. I guess I just don't know how any other year could be as good as this one. In one year I graduated high school, I went to Africa, I started college, I went through my "wild " stage, I came out of my wild stage and was blessed with an awesome community of believers, I traveled, I grew, I learned, I loved, I experienced freedom. Could any other year be this good....

I really do think they can be… I am just stuck in some crazy emotion for right now. I think this emotion and anxiety is foolish, but I guess this is just a part of life. I really believe that every year will be better than the last because hopefully I will be getting to know my father in heaven better each day, so I guess I am okay with moving on. I should be because it has to happen.After standing still for a moment and looking back on my life this year, I know that I will never forget it. Though I am anxious, I do look forward to the next part of my journey.....