This is Hannah Lepsch and I before the Blue Plum :)
WHAT! no there has never been a DRG Dance Party ever. LOL : ) I love you BETH!

This is how we use a Long Board round here.
That is Micah she is so Precious
Joy, Jess, & Molly gave her a ride on the long board.
One night we went to Fire House and the Blue Plum Festival. We had so much fun.... the 30 of us that went to Firehouse got Tom Seaton to play a joke on Terry. Tom gave terry a 600 bill b/c he said that he thought that Terry was going to cover the ticket. it was really funny... probably funnier if you had been there. : )

these were my first group of girls.... they were awesome. A girl from another group corn rowed my hair. her name was wentanna & she was from ethiopia. : )

The funny thing about this picture is that we were on our way to the creeper trail. We hadn't even biked it yet and we were exausted.
This Saturday the staff is going to Dollywood! We are going to really worn out! i will try to stay up to date on this thing! later friends : )