i know you guys miss me.... : P

OKAY! I'll post.... it's not like I’m in college or anything.
1. I LOVE LIFE! I love my Friends! I love ETSU! I love my classes! I love my teachers! I love my Jobs! I love my Family! I love Grace Fellowship Church! I love my Church Family! I love my community group. I love my non-Christian friends! AND I LOVE JESUS!!!!!!! He is sooo AWESOME! I am really happy! I am so excited to see God moving in me and all around me! : )
2. I am not an avid reader. Cindy says that reading is a discipline, so I am attempting to discipline myself into reading.
I hate reading books that everyone else has read in the Christian Community, it just gets annoying. All you ever here is have you read this... oh you should read this... it will change your life. So far books like that have been few and far between for me. So that’s why I have waited so long to start Blue Like Jazz, I didn't want to do the fad thing~ which I think Don Miller would appreciate. So after much deliberation I picked up the book that had been sleeping on my bookshelf for several months. I started it two days ago and I think I will probably be done in the next two days. I really like the way Donald Miller thinks. I am really enjoying this book!!!! Which brings me to my third point…
3. I am doing my final English research paper on Post-Modernism in the Church. My class has the opportunity to research anything we want and I chose PM b/c I am really intrigued by the whole subject and I really desire to know all that I can about it. I want to be able explain it to others and know what I really believe about it all. So I need all of you insightful people to help me out! I would love to hear your ideas, suggestions, and opinions. Steve Pruitt I would love for you to help me with this if you can. : )
This is perfect. Once you learn about it you can go right over to Lisa's and clarify it for her. Perfect.
thanks John boy!
Amber! Sweet. Ok, I'm not self promoting, but take 35 minutes (ok, 40) and listen to my sermon from Sunday. It's my best shot at explaining wht's happening and how we need to address it. Here..
Ok, if that's too much, email me. It's spuitt at btbf dot org.
oh Amber, check out Kelly's blog (her link is on my blog) and check out murph's name for his link on her site....teheheeteheehee.
yeah - listen to steve...
yeah steve i was going to listen to your sermon but for some reason it took forever to download on my computer. It was still downloading when i left for work so hopefully i will get a chance to listen to it later. Thanks : ) guess what i am going on a mission trip to Dallas for Spring Break!!!!! yeah
yeah steve i was going to listen to your sermon but for some reason it took forever to download on my computer. It was still downloading when i left for work so hopefully i will get a chance to listen to it later. Thanks : ) guess what i am going on a mission trip to Dallas for Spring Break!!!!! yeah
ummmm...their church server is way slow. i treid to get it too several times and it really doesn;t want to download...
I'll try to see what's going on tomorrow. I had the same problem but hoped it was a fluke.
Amber--when? and with who? (yes, I know you're a smart college student and it should say "whom," but it just sounds silly and pretentious)
i would never call out someones grammar. I have a hard enough time myself. - Answer to your question - most recent post... : )
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