too 4 2's Day

#1. Its a fun time in life when you can make watching 24 an event. Since the season started a bunch of us have gathered every Monday night to hang out, watch, and discuss the awesomeness of 24. I guess I just realized how cool it is to be available for that kind of random fun.
#2. This semester is going by SO FAST! I feel like it has just started but we have four weeks down & around eleven to go.... That just seems crazy to me. My weeks are so INSANE! I stay pretty busy between school and work. Right now I am putting off a paper that I need to write- its not due til Monday- I don't understand why its so hard to start a paper a week before its due, its easy when its the day before but NO if you actually choose not to Procrastinate it is impossible to begin. I have to write a 5 page persuasive essay Proving that I exist..."Cogito Ergo Sum" ...I think therefore I am. If ya'll have any suggestions tell me.
We believe God exists because of his creation, right? The sculpture had to be sculpted by someone. Well, take that thought and transfer to the paper you are writing. You must exist because the paper exists, otherwise the prof. would be wasting his time if he was grading papers that didn't exist.
i always leave the introduction till the end-i think it's the hardest part to i guess i start in the middle...but that was way back in the day when i actually HAD to write papers :)
yall are crazy fast with commenting. I guess right now i am struggling with what it means to really exsist. I think that i have to define that first. i feel like he wants us to prove more than our phyiscal exsistance (i.e. not just pinch me i am here). I want to have a clear definition that i can support of what existing means to me. thats my goal i am not quite there yet.
hey, look at MaryAnn's xanga and read her first comment, in a sorta nondescript vague way, it goes along with what you are talking about, and an interesting way of looking at it
yeah well try to prove that you don't exist and if you can do that then you know you exist right? right! :)
if you can prove that you don't exist then you do? hmmm, we might have to work on your logic skills lisa!
you can actually look at this another way...If you don't exist you can't fail. i would tell the teacher "you're not getting a paper." Then, if he gives you an F, you can argue the fact that one can't be graded on something due if they do not exist to turn it in. And while he is explaining to you that in the real world you can't do that, he is obviously acknowledging your existence...that's when you go in for the kill and tell him he just proved your existence for you (otherwise he would be "mad/insane" since he is talking to himself). While he is stupified at your dizzying logic, you can then tell him you expect an "A" for this semester. And you still don't have to write a paper. hahahaha
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