Dallas here I come.... 4 - 10 March 2006 & 4 -10 May 2006

1st Trip:
I was looking for an opportunity to serve over spring break and the trips available through The Well didn't really interest me. I saw a sign in the Culp Center for a Pres. House Trip for Hurricane relief. I ended up talking to one of my friends in the Pres Ministry about the trip and they signed me up. A few days later, my friend came back to me and told me that he was going to Dallas instead and asked me if I wanted to go. He told me that he had talked to his old college pastor from TN Tech and that they were taking a trip to Dallas to do some church renovation in a rough area of Dallas, apparently near "the river" and where the Cotton Bowl is. (like I am supposed to know where that is?) He said he had already asked if the both of us could go and his pastor said definitely. Basically I was asked if I wanted to go hang out and help a Dallas community that is in need for 65 bucks and obviously the answer was Heck Yes. My friend went on the same trip spring break of last year and he said it was awesome. We are staying with a lady named Joy who runs JOY foods, I have never heard of it but apparently it’s a big deal. I like the idea of blindly going to serve the Lord with people I have never met. I know this seems random and risky, but I like to think that it’s me being adventurous.
2nd Trip:
I am using my free round trip ticket that I got from Northwest Airlines to fly to Dallas right after exams and the week before SWAT training at the Gorge. I am going one of my best friends, Kristen Hornstein. She moved here with her Dad when he came on staff at GFC. He is a former DTS student, go figure. Her mom still lives in Dallas... so this trip is just for fun and to see the sights.
I am sooooo excited about both trips. I have always wanted to go to Dallas. It’s kind of cool that I get to go twice for not a lot of money; and the fact that they fall on the same dates with a month in between is pretty neat.
I'm proud of you!
Well, I suppose we're an afterthought, but you better see us at some point.
kristen and i want to go to bent tree when we are there in May. I am not sure how much freedom I will have on this trip but I would love to meet up and get coffee during some free time.
I wanted to respond to your last post.
Here Goes.
I want to start with your follow up question. I would answer that by saying that the good work that God has started he alone will finish. So where we have a chance to disciple I think we should but God is capable of directing the follow up.
(bear with me I am reading a chart)
From the beginning of time until around the turn of the century the
world population reached 1 billion. Sometime around the 1940's it reached 2 billion people. In 1974 The population reached 4 Billion
In 2006 World population reached 6.5 Billion.
What is the point of this chart? It took from the beginning of time until around the turn of the century to reach 1 billion then around 50 years for it to double then around 35 years for it to double again.
So what is the point of this illustration - it is this the harvest is plentiful and the labors are few. Did you know that according to Bill Bright only 2% of Christians share their faith? How do you reach a population that is exploding with people who don't share their faith?
I would encourage you to consider the idea that Paul was communicating, when he said I became all things to all men so that I might win a few. (you shold read the full passage)
Do you think that would that include the use of Gospel tracts today?
God can and does use Gospel tracts to reach people. Even ones on the ground and even ones in the trash. People pick things off the ground and out of the trash. People also go through things at a dump.
I am sorry about the uncomfortable presentations that you went through as child in your home. I would encourage you to consider that not everything that is uncomfortable is bad. I have been to doctors visits that I was uncomfortable with that in the long run were very beneficial. I have been corrected by people and the law that was uncomfortable but in the long run was beneficial.
I also can relate to the parents thing. My father is Mormon. Unfortunately when people reject us because of the Gospel they are really rejecting God. It is so hard to witness to our family. I just want to encourage you with that.
My final suggestion would be to encourage you to take a critical look at what people teach and compare it to the Bible. I would suggest that if you do that, then you will see that Benny Hinn is a false prophet. In the old testament if a teacher had one false prophecy then that person was put to death, because God doesn't make mistakes. Benny Hinn has had dozens of false prophecies. If you take a critical look at what Ray Comfort teaches it lines up with scripture. So while you may not understand him. Please don't put him in the same class as Benny Hinn.
I only wanted to add one thing.
To my previous post.
Romans 10:14
4How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?
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